Resource Posts
One of my main intentions for my site is to provide organized resources for those who would like to study key texts, thinkers, traditions, and topics in philosophy (and sometimes in related fields like literature, religious studies, and psychology)
As my resource posts have started accumulating, it has become clear to me that they need some organization, so readers can easily find what they’re looking for. If that’s the case just a few months into writing here, think about how difficult it might be for people to find what they’re looking for as I keep adding resource posts in the years to come!
This will be a growing page. I’ll be adding to it regularly as I publish additional resource posts. Here’s what I have available to you readers at the present time:
Self-Directed Study In Philosophy
If you are currently studying philosophy on your own, outside of an academic program (or if you’re not getting what you’d like from an academic program you’re enrolled in), these posts may be useful for you.
My Video Series
I have a number of long-running video series in my main YouTube channel. These range over a number of different topics and modes of presentation. Some of them are quite personal, and afford readers and watchers the chance to get to know me a bit more. Others focus much more on providing useful information to readers and watchers. I’ll be adding many more of these resources as time goes on.
The Sadler’s Lectures Podcast
I have been producing podcast episodes since 2018 on a vast variety of texts and thinkers from philosophy, religion, literature, psychology, and other fields. You can find all of them organized into playlists and arranged by era and genre in this page.
The Wisdom For Life Radio Show
Just before the covid lockdown started in 2020, my friend and cohost Dan and I started producing a philosophy-centered radio show for our local community station, WXRW-104.1 FM (Riverwest Radio). We have done more than 80 episodes, and have not only audio but also video of all of them. You can find links to them on this page
Interviews and Guest Appearances
Gathering together links to the many interviews and guest appearances I’ve done over the years (those that are still out there), I’ve put together a page full of them. You’ll find them in print, podcast, video, radio, and tv formats
Video and Podcast Resources
I have produced several thousand videos and podcast episodes focused on key ideas in philosophy, psychology, literature, and religious studies. Here are posts that provide organized links to those resources.
Resources on David Hume's Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
Video Resources on Immanuel Kant's Prolegomena To Any Future Metaphysics
Podcast Resources on Immanuel Kant's Prolegomena To Any Future Metaphysics
Resources on Immanuel Kant's Groundwork To The Metaphysics Of Morals
Resources On John Wisdom's "Gods" and The "University Discussion"