I first encountered Immanuel Kant's thought in this particular text when I was an undergraduate philosophy major, taking a Modern Philosophy class. I'll be honest with you: I did not understand most of that text back then. I expect the reasons I had trouble with it are similar to reasons I’ve found my own students find reading and understanding Kant difficult. He uses what feels like a complicated code as his philosophical vocabulary. And he is working out and articulating quite a complicated system, to say the least.
Last summer, I worked through both the Prolegomena and the Critique of Pure Reason with a very bright young tutorial student, and that got me thinking that it was about time I produced a series of core concept videos on the shorter, simpler, and (according to Kant at least) more straightforward text.
I started shooting the videos in September, and just finished up the series earlier in January. There are forty-one total in the set, covering every part and each key idea in the work. They might well prove to be a useful resource for anyone who decides they’d like to study that text.
If you’d like to get yourself a copy of the text I used for this series, here’s an Amazon affiliate link to the Prolegomena. And now, on to links to the videos, sorted according to sections of the work.
Preamble on the peculiarities of all metaphysical knowledge
Part one of the main transcendental problem. How is pure mathematics possible?
Part two of the main transcendental problem. How is pure natural science possible?
Part three of the main transcendental problem. How is metaphysics in general possible?
Conclusion. On the determination of the bounds of pure reason
Solution of the general question of the Prolegomena. How is metaphysics possible as a science?
So, there you have it - the entire series of videos, all linked to in one place. Now of course, there’s no requirement that you study Kant’s Prolegomena. You can productively study philosophy without ever choosing to meander down its paths. But if you do decide that you’d like to read that work, perhaps these videos might be of some help and use to you.