Cute And Funny Cat YouTube Shorts
50 short videos of cats and kittens doing what they do best
For several years now, I have been producing and uploading short videos in YouTube. Quite a few of them are shots of various sights from the city of Milwaukee, or excerpts from recordings of my philosophy classes from years back. One of them even goes through a comic commemorating me finishing the Half Hour Hegel series. But almost half of them are scenes of cats and kittens. I’ve released 50 of them so far.
The earliest of these YouTube shorts feature the late great Sassy cat, the animal companion with whom I developed and shared the closest and deepest bond of all. They’re all of footage I had taken while she was still alive (she died in April of 2022), sharing and celebrating a few moments displaying her bold personality.
I started visiting and then volunteering at a local cat shelter here in Milwaukee, Almost Home Cat Rescue, in 2023. The majority of the cat and kitten YouTube shorts I’ve shot are from my times there. I’ve met, taken care of, gotten close to, and then said goodbye to many of them as they moved on to their adoptive homes, in the year and a half that I’ve served there.
Since I have so many of them at this point, and given the perennial interest in cat videos, I decided it was about time for me to put them together all in one place. So here they are. I hope you enjoy them!