Interviews and Guest Appearances
radio, print, tv, video, and podcast formats interviews and appearances
For over a decade, I have been invited onto a number of platforms for interviews, conversations, and guest appearances. Most often, the topics figure into the domain of philosophy, broadly speaking. But on occasion, they range over matters as diverse as classic heavy metal music, science fiction and fantasy literature, or the gastronomy of pretzels.
Keeping track of these appearances turns out to be a lot of work on my part, but viewers, listeners, and readers have long been asking me to create an updated list. So that’s what I’ve done below. I’ll update this list as new appearances on podcasts, shows, radio, tv, or websites appear. It should hopefully be completely accurate and up-to-date at this point, so if you note one of my appearances that is missing here, or if the links stop working, shoot me a line and let me know. At any rate, here’s the list. I hope you enjoy some of these!
(If you’ve got a platform, and you’d like to invite me on for a conversation, feel free to reach out — I’m very easy to find)
Television and Radio Appearances
Interview on TMJ-4 News Ask The Expert: television interview hosted by Charles Benson and Shannon Sims, discussing what philosophy is, how it applies to our daily lives, the uses of critical thinking, and the Milwaukee SOPHIA event — you can watch here.
Guest Appearance on Riverwest Radio’s Another Morning show — (starting at the 23:00 mark), hosted by Martin and Joe, discussing modern Stoicism, philosophies as ways of life, psychotherapy, happiness, and the Stoicon-X event — you can listen here
Guest Appearance on RiverWest Radio’s Image For Hire show: hosted by the Skrauss, discussing the works and thought of H.P. Lovecraft, teaching classic philosophical works to students of all sorts, and intersections between philosophy and other fields — you can listen here
Guest Appearance on National Public Radio’s To The Best of Our Knowledge show: Jean-Paul Sartre’s conception of Hell as other people — listen here
Interview on KJZZ’s The Show radio show: Arizona Public Radio interview hosted by Steve Goldstein, discussing what modern Stoicism is, its roots in ancient Stoic philosophy, some general concepts and practices, and why so many people are interested in Stoicism at present — you can listen here
Guest Appearance on RiverWest Radio’s Image For Hire show: hosted by the Skrauss, discussing the works and thought of Philip K. Dick. We get into topics of space and time, language and imagination, Gnosticism, alternate history, and more — you can listen here.
Guest Appearance on Riverwest Radio’s Image For Hire show: a full hour as a guest on the Skrauss’ radio show, discussing topics ranging from speculative fiction, Philip Dick, Michael Moorcock, philosophy as experiential and experimental, Stoicism, Roman history and politics, Seneca, Cicero, and the internet — you can listen here
Guest Appearance on Riverwest Radio’s Image For Hire show: hosted by The Skrauss on Riverwest Radio, discussing my work as a “freelance philosopher”, Plato’s allegory of the cave, what philosophical counseling does, what virtue ethics and images have to do with each other, and even some H.P. Lovecraft — you can listen here
Written Interviews On Websites
Interview with Plato’s Academy Center site: how I gravitated towards studying philosophy, the most important concept I teach, why “don’t cheat yourself” is a useful mantra — read here
Interview with What Is Stoicism? site: My work producing content, reading suggestions for Stoicism, eclecticism in philosophy, practical exercises in philosophy — read here
Interview with World Class Performer site: Growing up, life lessons, recommendations about life, learning, and career, a dark period, habits and routines — read here
Interview with Filosofisk Supplement journal: Who the Stoics were, what Stoics mean by “in accordance with nature”, why that idea matters, Nietzsche’s criticism of Stoicism — read here
Interview with Asian Spa Magazine: misconceptions about Stoicism, how studying and applying philosophy can help us with anger, anxiety, and sadness, making progress towards happiness — read here
Interview with The Daily Stoic site: My work on YouTube, what putting philosophy into practice means, Stoicism’s implications for leadership and entrepreneurship, dealing with anger using Stoicism, hosted by Ryan Holiday — read here
Interview with Modern Stoicism website: Stoic philosophy, my work, how I got into Stoicism, and prospects for contemporary Stoicism — read here
Interview with Epoch Magazine (translated in my Medium site: anger in the biblical texts, anger as analyzed by Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, and later thinkers — read here
Video Interviews and Appearances
Interview In Davood Gozli’s channel: hosted by Davood, discussing friendship as an important philosophical topic and as part of the philosophical life - watch or listen here
Guest Appearance on the Acid Horizon channel: hosted by the team, discussing philosophies of grief and grieving with focus are the ideas of Cicero, Epictetus, Seneca, and others - watch or listen here
Guest Appearance in the American Philosophical Practitioners Association Agora: hosted by Lou Marinoff, discussing my work and approaches as a philosophical counselor, philosophy as a way of life, and my background in practical philosophy - watch or listen here
Interview in the Conversations With Modern Stoicism series: hosted by Phil Yanov, discussing the topic how Stoics should respond when bad things happen to other People - watch or listen here
Interview in Why Philosophy series: hosted by Javier Rivera, discussing topics ranging from whether philosophy is dangerous, to how to begin studying philosophy, the relationships between philosophy and science, and what postmodernism is - watch or listen here
Interview on the Everyday Stoic channel: hosted by William Mulligan, discussing how to apply principles and practice from Epictetus’ works and thought into your daily life - watch or listen here
Guest Appearance on Chatting With Nutts channel: hosted by Jimmy Nutts, discussing the role and scope of the Book of Changes in Philip K. Dick’s alternate history novel The Man In The High Castle — watch or listen here
Interview on Noah Holsclaw channel: hosted by Noah Holsclaw, discussing Anselm of Canterbury’s thought, including how I got into studying Anselm, the importance of his prayers, approaches to understanding his works and life — watch or listen here
Interview on Dogs with Torches channel: hosted by Hunter Olson, discussing Anselm of Canterbury, his thoughts and approach, and main contributions to medieval thought — watch or listen here
Interview on Move with Seth channel: hosted by Seth Dellinger, discussing the emotion of anger, when anger is appropriate and when it is isn’t, self-directed anger, and dealing with others who are angry — watch or listen here
Guest Appearance on Chatting With Nutts channel: hosted by Jimmy Nutts, discussing the philosophical dimensions of speculative fiction in a number of important authors and fantasy and sci-fi series — watch or listen here
Interview on Kevin McNulty Speaks channel: hosted by Kevin McNulty, discussing my background in philosophy, my family members, whether cats think, and care of the soul — watch or listen here
Dialogue on Davood Gozli’s channel: hosted by Davood Gozli, discussing the topic of humility, including what humility is and what it isn’t, differing conceptions of humility, the relationship between humility and self-knowledge — watch or listen here
Interview on the Philosophy As A Way Of Life channel — hosted by Massimo Pigliucci and Rob Coulter, with Andi Sciacca, discussing implications of classic and contemporary Stoicism for love, sexuality, and marriage — watch or listen here
Dialogue on Davood Gozli’s channel: hosted by Davood Gozli, discussing the topic of work, including types of work, work & social status, necessity, responsibility, and identity — watch or listen here
Guest Appearance on the Death Hangout channel hosted by Olivier Lavor and Keith Clarke, discussing Existentialist thinkers, texts, and insights, particularly in relation to our human mortality — watch or listen here
Interview on The Stoic Salon Podcast: hosted by Kathryn Koromilas, with Andi Sciacca, discussing our views on Stoic philosophy and practices and their applicability to marriages and other partnered relationships — watch or listen here.
Guest Appearance on the President Sunday channel: hosted by President Sunday, with Victor Magariño, ZahnZee, and Djalma Beorn, discussing James Lindsey’s mistaken conceptions of Hegel’s thought and dialectic — you can watch or listen here
Interview in the Three Books series: hosted by Davood Gozli, discussing three books that particularly impacted me: The Beginning Place by Ursula K. Le Guin, A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick, and Labyrinths by Jorge Luis Borges — you can watch or listen here
Interview on the 52 Living Ideas channel — hosted by Shrikant Rangnekar, discussing Stoic Ethics, and talks about what is good, what is bad, and what the Stoics would have considered “Indifferents” — you can watch or listen here
Interview on The Stoic Coach channel —hosted by Bob Cymber, discussing what “living in accordance with nature” means for the Stoics, and how we can apply that in the present — watch or listen here
Guest Appearance on the Death Hangout podcast: hosted by Olivier Lavor and Keith Clarke, discussing what we know about philosophers’ last wills and testaments, what the significance of wills are, and how we approach what happens after our own demises — you can watch or listen here
Interview on Digital Gnosis channel — hosted by Nathan Ormand, discussing Anselm of Canterbury’s works and key ideas, what the “single argument is”, Anselm’s views on human freedom, how Anselm revolutionized prayer, and other topics — you can watch or listen here
Interview on Common Sense Ethics channel: hosted by Leah Goldrick, discussing which philosophy books can be best for beginners to read and why. We also talk about practical philosophy and the differences between academic philosophy and philosophy as a way of life — you can watch or listen here.
Guest Appearance on Nova Stoa channel: hosted by Massimo Pigliucci, discussing some of the most common misconceptions have and mistakes people make when it comes to Stoic philosophy and practice — you can watch or listen here
Guest Appearance on the Death Hangout podcast: hosted by Olivier Lavor and Keith Clarke, discussing what people understand as their “legacy”, how they go about attempting to develop that legacy, and ways we can reconceptualize what we leave behind — you can watch or listen here
Guest Appearance on Creative on Purpose channel: hosted by Scott Perry, a roundtable discussion on Stoicism, the music business, critical thinking, and whether creativity is a virtue or not featuring myself and Scott Tarulli — you can watch or listen here
Interview on Benjamin A Boyce channel: hosted by Benjamin Boyce, a discussion ranging over the current state of academia, American politics, practical philosophy, prospects for philosophy in the public sphere, and bits of my backstory — you can watch or listen here
Interview on the Axiological Atheist channel: hosted by Damien AtHope, discussing practical philosophy, making philosophical concepts understandable and applicable for general audiences, and how philosophy can help us to clarify our values — you can watch or listen here
Guest Appearance on Noetic site: Jean-Paul Sartre’s “The Flies”, France under Nazi occupation, remorse and human freedom — watch here
Guest Appearance on The Stoic Creative channel: hosted by Scott Perry, a roundtable discussion on Stoicism and creativity, featuring myself, Chris Gill, Debbie Joffe-Ellis, and others — you can watch or listen here
Guest Appearance on the Death Hangout podcast: hosted by Olivier Lavor and Keith Clarke, discussing the implications of the fact that the human mortality rate is 100%, and how we can face the mortality of ourselves and others we care about — you can watch or listen here
Interview with Groundwork For The Metaphysics of MGTOW channel: the nature of anger, dealing with “red pill rage”, resources in Aristotelian and Stoic philosophy for managing anger — watch or listen here
Guest Appearance on Victory Farm Center for the Humanities channel: how to approach the works and thought of G.W.F. Hegel, in particular in his Phenomenology of Spirit — watch or listen here
Interview with Groundwork For The Metaphysics of MGTOW channel: friendship, being a good friend, obligations in friendships, how and when to end a friendships — watch or listen here
Podcast Appearances and Interviews
Interview on The Nietzsche Podcast: hosted by Keegan Kjeldsen, discussing philosophy as a guide to life, Stoicism versus Epicureanism, distortions of Stoicism and Nietzsche, whether philosophy is self-help, and the relevance of Stoicism to modern life - watch or listen here
Interview on Self-Directed Podcast: hosted by Ceclie and Jesper Conrad, discussing how to study philosophy productively outside of traditional academia, as well as philosophy’s communal nature and its relevance to contemporary life - watch or listen here
Interview on Sunday Morning Coffee Podcast: hosted by Scott Gardiner, discussing topics ranging from Stoicism to Ciceronian Eclecticism, Plato, Socrates, and where to start if you’re interested in philosophy— listen here
Interview on Stoa Conversations: hosted by Michael Tremblay, discussing criticisms made against the Stoics by Hegel, Nietzsche, and Neo-Aristotelians, determining the extent to which those criticisms are on-point with classical and modern Stoicism — listen here
Interview on Psyche Podcast: hosted by Quique Autrey, discussing common misconceptions about Stoicism, teaching philosophy in prisons, Ciceronian eclecticism, and what lessons to take from classic Stoic texts and thinkers -listen here
Interview on Marketplace Discussions podcast: hosted by Mahmoud Rasmi, discussing how I shifted from primarily traditional academic philosophy into doing philosophy in public, professional, and private practice contexts — watch or listen here
Interview on Lifeblood podcast: hosted by George Grombacher, discussing practical philosophy, how teleology can help us get what we want in life, the problem of human complacency, why being mindful of death is a valuable thing, and how to make philosophy a part of your life — watch or listen here
Interview on Radio Uninvited podcast: hosted by Brice Noble and Ariel Ray, discussing my career, my early work teaching inmates in a maximum security prison, being an early adopter of YouTube to teach philosophy to a global audience — listen here
Interview on Anagoge Podcast: hosted by Tiago Vasconcelos, discussing students from non-philosophical backgrounds; Stoicism, Sartre, and Nietzsche; the “Death of philosophy”; primary and secondary literature — watch or listen here
Interview on the Parkers’ Pensees Podcast: hosted by Parker Settecase, discussing philosophy in the works of Philip K. Dick, public philosophy, who counts as a philosopher, the role of philosophy of religion — you can watch or listen here
Interview on Classical Wisdom Speaks podcast: hosted by Anya Leonard, discussing major ancient Greek philosophies in comparison to each other, and whether some are more applicable to our modern lives than others — watch or listen here
Guest Appearance on Acid Horizon podcast: hosted by Adam, Will, and Craig, discussing theories of anger in ancient philosophy, applications to the present day, and practices for lessening or preventing anger — watch or listen here
Interview on Open Door Podcast: hosted by Andrew Graziano and Derek Parsons, discussing problems that come up with philosophy, misrepresentations in pop culture, and the present trolley problem — watch or listen here
Interview on the NeoAcademica podcast: hosted by Natasha Mott, discussing applying philosophy in and outside the university, my origin story, fake quotes & garbage takes — watch or listen here
Interview on Give Them An Argument Podcast — hosted by Ben Burgis, discussing topics ranging from teaching philosophy in prison to the Stoic practice of “premeditatio malorum” — listen here
Interview on Machinic Unconscious Happy Hour podcast — two-hour conversation hosted by Cooper Cherry, discussing Frank Herbert’s Dune series, nomadology, war machines, imperceptibility, eternal recurrence, and materialism — you can listen here
Interview on The Side View podcast — hosted by Adam Robbert, discussing Pierre Hadot, the idea of philosophy as way of life, academic philosophy, and public philosophy — you can listen here
Interview on the Ta Će On podcast — hosted by Feđa Malinović, discussing how philosophy can be made practical, personal development, what philosophy offers to younger people, and many other topics — you can watch or listen here
Guest Host on the Sunday Stoic Podcast — with Andi Sciacca, discussing Stoicism and its applications within the sphere of romance, relationships, dating, and marriage — you can listen here
Interview on The Existential Stoic podcast — hosted by Daniel Garro, discussing Stoicism in practice, and improving life through implementing Stoic practices and values — you can watch or listen here
Interview on the Speakeasy podcast — hosted by Noah Blaff, discussing my path into philosophy, how people can put it into practice, and how I continue to produce content on subjects within philosophy. — you can listen here
Guest Appearance on Acid Horizon podcast: hosted by Adam, Will, and Craig, discussing Nick Land’s essays in Fanged Noumena and Dark Enlightenment — watch or listen here
Interview on Stoic Salon podcast — hosted by Kathryn Koromilas, with Andi Sciacca, discussing Stoicism and its implications for love, marriage, living with another person, and erotic desire — you can listen here
Guest Host on the Sunday Stoic Podcast — with Dan Hayes, discussing the importance of dialogue in Stoic philosophy — you can listen here
Interview on the Mastering Midlife podcast — hosted by Mark Silverman, discussing how I got into academic philosophy and then applied it to life issues, philosophical eclecticism, Plutarch as a model philosopher, why brilliance is overrated — you can listen here
Guest Host on the Sunday Stoic Podcast — discussing why reading Stoic texts, in particular classical primary sources, is an important practice for anyone who wants to really understand and progress in Stoicism — you can listen here
Interview on the Modern Stoicism podcast — hosted by Adam Piercey, discussing Modern Stoicism, the Stoicism Today Blog, and grassroots activities in the modern Stoicism movement — you can listen here
Interview on the David Storey podcast — hosted by David Storey, discussing leaving academia, struggles building a new professional identity, becoming the YouTube Philosopher, the simple power of making distinctions in business, and advice for young philosophers considering leaving academia.- you can listen to part 1 here and part 2 here
Interview on the Jason Damico Show — hosted by Jason Damico, discussing a wide range of topics from practical and academic philosophy, teaching in prisons, learning to play bass guitar, all sorts of topics in heavy metal, and how I got started with YouTube — you can watch or listen here
Interview on The Practical Stoic podcast — hosted by Simon Drew, discussing how Stoic philosophy and practices can help us understand, deal with, and reduce anger — you can watch or listen here
Interview on the Stoic Advantage podcast — hosted by Ryan Racine, discussing how and why Stoicism has undergone a revival of interest over the last several decades, what my favorite Stoic practice is, how Stoicism can be helpful for younger people, and debunking a few myths about Stoicism — you can listen here
Interview on The Practical Stoic podcast — hosted by Simon Drew, discussing what the core principles of Stoicism are, how we can reinterpret and apply those principles in a modern age, and a number of other Stoicism-related topics — you can listen here
Interview on the Hidden Why podcast — hosted by Leigh Martinuzzi, discussing what practical philosophy is, how philosophy can be used to understand and improve our lives — you can listen here
Interview on Machinic Unconscious Happy Hour podcast — two-hour conversation hosted by Cooper Cherry, discussing the nature of Hegelian dialectics, Marxism and post-structuralism, political perspectives of the present, and what’s right and what’s wrong with Hegel — you can listen here
Interview on Rendering Unconscious podcast — hosted by Vanessa Sinclair, discussing how philosophy gets put into practice, what philosophical counseling is and how it is connected with psychotherapy, and a range of other topics — you can listen here
Guest Appearance on the Post-Structuralist Tent Revival podcast: hosted by Eric Aldieri, Jacob Given, and Paula Landerreche Cardillo, discussing perspectives on anger in ancient philosophy and theology, and techniques for managing anger — you can listen here
Guest Appearance on the Sunday Stoic podcast: hosted by Steve Karafit, discussing my background in philosophy, expanding reading lists beyond the big three Stoics, and some of the odd Stoic paradoxes that we often ignore — you can listen here
Guest Appearance on the Enter The Void podcast: discussing public philosophy, the current state of academia, how practical philosophy can help us live through tough situations, and past and present science fiction — you can listen here
Guest Appearance on the Seize the Moment podcast: hosted by Leon Garber and Alen Ulman, discussing how practical philosophy can be used to help us overcome negative emotions — you can watch or listen here
Interview on the Tom Richey Podcast: hosted by Tom Richey, discussing Alexis de Tocquevilles’ work Democracy in America, models of democracy, intermediate institutions, soft despotism, and the current state of our democracy — you can listen here
Interview with Faith Colloquium podcast: hosted by Shebuel Varghese, discussing what ancient and medieval philosophers have to tell us about anger and how to manage it successfully — you can watch or listen here
Interview on the Tom Richey Podcast: hosted by Tom Richey, discussing the current political climate, whether non-voting makes sense, issues with democracy, Aristotle and John Stuart Mill — you can listen here
Interview on Lifeblood podcast: hosted by George Grombacher, my second appearance, going a bit deeper into Stoic philosophy and practices and how they can help us deal with money matters through intentional living — you can listen here
Interview on the Exceeding Expectations podcast: hosted by Tony Winyard, discussing how I exceed the expectations and provide value to my clients, subscribers, and students, as well as how I got into the work I engage in — you can listen here
Guest Appearance on The Pretzel Podcast: hosted by Mitch Teich and Michelle Maternowski, bringing me in as an expert on metaphysics, essences, and language to help them with their “pretzel-stential crisis” about just what counts as a “pretzel” and what doesn’t — you can listen here.
Interview on Lifeblood podcast: hosted by George Grombacher, discussing how Stoic philosophy can inform our thoughts, feelings, and decisions about money. We delve into how to prioritize and order “indifferents”, and emotions that often get involved with money — you can listen here.
Interview on The Practical Stoic podcast: hosted by Simon Drew, discussing uses of Stoic philosophy and practices, what got me into studying and applying Stoicism, how and whether Stoicism can be defined, and what philosophical practice involves — you can listen here
Interview on Stoic Solutions podcast: hosted by Justin Vacula, discussing what “in accordance with nature” means within classic and contemporary Stoicism. This leads us into all sorts of other topics connected with Stoicism as well — you can watch or listen here
Interview with Zero Squared podcast: hosted by Doug Lain, discussing my backstory, the Half Hour Hegel project, doing philosophy on YouTube, some Marx, some Nietzsche, modern Stoicism, and the notion of eclecticism in philosophy — you can listen here
Guest Appearance on the Panpsycast: hosted by Jack Symes and Olly Marley, discussing Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy, key themes of his works, the death of God and transvaluation of values, and his relevance for the present — you can listen to the first part here and the second part here
Interview with Philosophy Bakes Bread podcast: hosted by Eric Weber and Anthony Cashio, discussing engaging in philosophy on YouTube, how I transitioned from a traditional academic to a practical philosopher, the work I do with my company, ReasonIO, and even some Hegel — you can listen here.
Philosophy Bakes Bread breadcrumb interview: we talk about Modern Stoicism, Stoicism Today, and a few other Stoicism-related topics — and you can listen here.
Interview with Tom Richey podcast: hosted by Tom Richey, discussing the recent controversy about statues of confederate military officers, history and racism, Trump’s “many side” remark, from a Stoic perspective — you can listen here
Interview with Death Hangout podcast: hosted by Olivier Lavor and Keith Clarke, discussing what Stoic philosophy has to tell us about our own death and the deaths of others we care about, how death can be a life-coach, and living as full lives as are possible and prudent — you can watch or listen here
Interview with Think Like a Thought Leader podcast: hosted by Samuel Osborne, discussing philosophy as what I’m passionate about, how I got started in public philosophy, and a challenge for all the listeners — listen here
Interview with The Stoic Solutions podcast: discussing Stoicism and anger, how we can better understand and productively deal with that emotion, hosted by Justin Vacula — listen here
Interview with Better Than Food podcast: the three books that changed my life (Plato’s Republic, Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, Epictetus’ Discourses, hosted by Clifford Lee Sargent — watch or listen here
Interview with Life After Pain podcast: Stoic philosophy and practices applicable to dealing with chronic pain and its challenges, hosted by Naomi Kuttner — listen here
Guest Appearance on the Partially Examined Life Aftershow podcast: Friedrich Nietzsche’s Birth of Tragedy, the Dionysian, Apollonian, and Socratic — listen here
Guest Appearance on Insight Radio podcast: Hegel and (mis)Education in America — listen here
Guest Appearance on Insight Radio podcast Anger with Aristotle, how Aristotle understands anger, what to do about anger in our own society — listen here