This is the official newsletter, resource site, and one main writing platform for me, Gregory B. Sadler. I write, teach, and produce resources on philosophy, broadly speaking, and meander occasionally into other fields. One of my main skills is taking complex concepts from difficult philosophical texts and making them accessible and applicable for people from all walks of life and backgrounds.

That’s one main activity for this relatively new Substack. You’ll see articles and podcast episodes on philosophcal ideas, arguments, distinctions, and practices that can be very useful or interesting, once you understand them adequately. I love sharing those with people!

I also provide pages containing systematically organized resources here for people who want to study philosophy. Whether it is on their own as lifelong learners, or as working professionals who want to improve their knowledge-base and skills, or even academic students struggling in their classes or looking to take their studies further, these resources can prove a game-changer!

Stemming from my work in academia, through public philosophy, and with clients, I also find myself giving a lot of advice and suggestions about how to productively study and practice philosophy. There’s no reason not to share that here, and so you’ll see some pieces and podcast episodes specifically on those topics.

If you’re a free subscriber, you’ll get my monthly newsletter, and you’ll see News, Resource, and Reading Suggestion posts as they come out. You’ll also get access to new Article posts and podcast episodes later on, as I release them to the public.

I’ve started a paid subscription option as well. If you value the work that I do, making philosophy more accessible to people (including perhaps yourself), consider becoming a paid subscriber. For the cost of one drink (at a lot of places!) you can help support my ongoing work in a tangible way that does make a difference. You also get access to all of my posts as they get published, and to the new podcast I’m starting. I’ll also be starting subscriber-exclusive conversation Threads here as well.

I’ll say just a bit about myself here, and publish a longer bio page later on. The most relevant bits about me are that I’ve been studying philosophy for more than three decades, and I’m in my 25th year of teaching philosophy courses. I was a full-time philosophy professor in traditional academia for nine years, and was engaged in public philosophy even back then. For the last 13 years, I’ve kept one foot in the academy teaching courses as an adjunct, but also started my own philosophy-focused business (ReasonIO), engaged in public philosophy, worked with educational start-ups, and produced a lot of online philosophy resources.

I’m a member of the faculty at Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design. I produce philosophy videos in my main YouTube channel (over 3,000 so far), host the Sadler’s Lectures podcast (over 1,000 episodes), am a member of the Modern Stoicism steering committee, and was editor of Stoicism Today from 2016-2023. I co-host the Wisdom for Life radio show, and provide public talks in-person and online in a number of series, including Philosophers in the Midst of History, Worlds of Speculative Fiction, Philosophy Eats, and Understanding Anger 2.0.

My wife Andi and I live in the downtown of the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a place we chose to move back to nearly a decade ago. We are both quite involved in our local community, and love being here, in a vibrant city with as many potentials as it has challenges.

The last thing I’ll say here is just this: Keep on studying, and let me see if I can help you put philosophy into practice!

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Philosophy helps people improve their lives, relationships, and careers. I help people study, understand, and apply philosophy This is my new site providing information, updates, events, offers, and occasional writings about philosophy, broadly speaking.


I bring philosophy into practice, making complex classic philosophical ideas accessible, applicable, and transformative for a wide audience of professionals, students, and life-long learners.