Thank you. While, I am acquianted or have read a fair share of the works, this list is so thorough and comprehensive and provides me with what I need toi truly understand the breadth and scope of Stoicism and enable me to more efficiently and effectively incorporate the learnings in my own classrooms. You are appreciated. Great Man! What about Seneca's On the Shortness of Life (changed mine when I was a teenager)?
Nice to see you on Substack, the blog of free speech where we can discuss all sorts of topics. I recommend you check out Aporia Magazine, they are the best on Substack. Try reading my writings on Original Sin too.
Thank you sir! For putting this together and sharing it. I have been looking for this kind of information since I started getting serious about Stoicism. You have made my day.
Professor Sadler:
Thank you. While, I am acquianted or have read a fair share of the works, this list is so thorough and comprehensive and provides me with what I need toi truly understand the breadth and scope of Stoicism and enable me to more efficiently and effectively incorporate the learnings in my own classrooms. You are appreciated. Great Man! What about Seneca's On the Shortness of Life (changed mine when I was a teenager)?
Sure, you can read as much other Seneca as you like
What a great, useful essay! Thanks for all the practical suggestions. You've given me a "reading map" for the months ahead.
You're very welcome!
Nice to see you on Substack, the blog of free speech where we can discuss all sorts of topics. I recommend you check out Aporia Magazine, they are the best on Substack. Try reading my writings on Original Sin too.
I'm not a free speech enthusiast. And I'm going to pass on Aporia, having looked them over.
If you don't have anything relevant to say on a piece, you might not want to comment
This is very helpful. Thank you.
You're very welcome! Glad to read it
Thank you sir! For putting this together and sharing it. I have been looking for this kind of information since I started getting serious about Stoicism. You have made my day.